Saturday, December 19, 2009

New Hope for TMJ Syndrome

When FM Alexander was teaching in England in the early 1900's, he had a man come to him who suffered with severe TMJ syndrome. After a series of lessons, which at that time took many months, the problem vanished. Years later, Walter Carrington, the late dean of the Constructive Teaching Centre in London, happened to meet this man's doctor who gave him (and us) an interesting followup to this story.
Turns out original x-rays of the TMJ showed deterioration of the articular cartilage (that's very bad). After the lessons and the cessation of the TMJ problem, re-x-rays showed that the cartilage grew back. Isn't that interesting? Too bad this wasn't published as a case report!
Here's what we know about cartilage; it doesn't like too much oxygen, it grows better in an environment of lower temperatures and lower oxygen. From this we can see that inflammation caused by high pressure in the joint will eat up the cartilage. If you can change those conditions, what do you think will happen? Right! The cartilage grows back.
The complexity of TMJ Syndrome requires a thorough exam to find out the cause and determine the best course of action. At Alexander Technique in Rockford, IL, we look at the joints, muscles and nerves to find out the best, most efficient way to restore balance to the system.
Here we are, ready to help! 815-670-0245

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